Wednesday 30 September 2015

Are There Aliens On Our World

The initial answer to that question is either yes or no. For the no crowd in majority of instances the negative response is immediately followed by statements such as “ well now that I think of it there was that time years ago when we...” or “ having said that, my father told me of something that happened to him....”.

It soon becomes evident that the answer to this question is not so clear cut. If we honest all of us have been exposed to something out of the ordinary. Be it ghosts, aliens, unidentified flying objects or just the plain old deja vu and dreams.

We all dream and most of us have experienced deja vu occasionally. Even though both of these events lack conclusive scientific explanation we casually talk about them under the pretense of complete comprehension. They are accepted as ordinary events in our daily life despite our inability to explain how and why deja vu and dreams occur. On the other hand UFOs, aliens, ghosts and other unexplained events are viewed with skepticism and those claiming such experiences are ridiculed.

In view of our inconsistent and contradictory beliefs are we ready to hear the truth? Would we recognize it if we saw it? To see the truth we must learn to view our world with different eyes. 

Relics left by civilizations before ours surround us and speak to us. Mostly we don't listen and stumble around in darkness limited by our ignorance.

The pyramids of Egypt are one such relic. We have no idea who built the pyramids let alone how and why. Our view of the world we live in is contaminated by half truths and ignorance.

Theories that are clearly outdated and are incompatible with new discoveries are being sold to us as truth. That kind of ignorance is prominent world wide.

How can we expect to answer the alien question honestly and with an open mind with such obstacles in place?

To know the truth we must reach beyond the comfortable, beyond fear of the unknown and we must look for answers beyond our limited way of thinking. We will not find answers while indulging in ignorant slumber. Removing the shackles that keep us enslaved in ignorance and fear is a priority.

Despite the establishment scientists are stepping out of the box and looking for the truth. Pioneers such as Stephen Hawking are opening doors to possibilities that were unimaginable to the average person fifty years ago. With this knew knowledge and understanding of our world, stories about aliens, time travel, black holes and reality shifts are becoming harder to dismiss as fantasy. 

We must look beyond our governments and the mainstream media for the truth. Our best source of information comes from the men and women in our communities the majority of whom have a story to tell. Individuals who live their lives out of the spot light and usually don't want to talk about their experiences will tell their story when they feel safe. Others however will never divulge what they know. There is good reason for that.  

Whitley Strieber author of Communion and Shirley Maclaine, actress and author of many books bravely shared their encounters with us. Their reality however is not acceptable to most of us. Sharing their extraordinary encounters with the world was courageous but in speaking their truth they risked their reputations and endured extreme ridicule. 

Granted there are lots of crazy people in the world and just as many crazy stories. Even more reason to take notice of all the stories. The truth can be hidden within the unbelievable. Not every story is crazy no matter how strange it sounds. 

Not so long ago an experiment was carried out where human beings and a ship were made to disappear and reappear. The Philadelphia Experiment was considered to be a crazy story. Today we know this to be real and well documented as are all of Nikola Tesla's works. No fiction there. 

If human beings could manage a Philadelphia Experiment what are other lifeforms capable of?

In order to answer that, we must believe in other lifeforms. Considering how little we do know to assume that no other lifeforms exist let alone visits our world is arrogant to say the least. Earth is but a speck within the universe yet we persist with the notion that we are the only intelligence out there. It is impossible to see the bigger picture when arrogance and ignorance are rampant on our planet. 

We live like rats in a maze. While we run around in circles in a frenzy that we call life we keep missing the exit. Most of us don't even know there is an exit let alone life beyond the maze. 

Are we being visited by aliens? Probably not. There is no need for them to visit. They are already living here we are just to busy to notice.

Can't be, I hear you say? 

Why not? Who on earth would notice? Not me while I watch reality television indulging my thirst for judgment and violence.   

It is because of our arrogance that beings from other worlds are able to come and go undetected. They are here and probably have been here since the beginning of time. For all we know they are the creators of the human race. 

And if that is the case and we are being governed by aliens how would we even recognize that? I suspect most of us would rather ignore that possibility.

Are we being kept so busy surviving in order not to notice who is running our world? What was that I hear you say? You don't want to know.

That would be a huge mistake. Everything is not always as it seems. You may not even be who you are. Some of your best friends could be Aliens.   

Is it time for humanity to exit the maze? Are we ready to learn the truth? 

Don't be to hasty in your answer. Before you say 'yes' and open the cage door you must be certain you are ready. If you can see the exit be warned. Life is not the same this side of the maze. Once you know the truth you can never go back.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Welcome to my cave of wisdom. My aspiration is to share some of my experiences with those who choose to enter my cave

I am sixty five years old and call Bribie Island home. A perfect place to find yourself after major changes in life. My passion is writing and my mission presently is to acquire a publisher and agent for my books. I write historical novels, science fiction, children’s books, short stories and articles.

These days I live alone. Living a life with only myself to focus on is a new way of being for me. It's impossible to tell you who I am without mentioning Steve, my husband of forty two years who passed away five years ago. We married when I was seventeen and my existence until recently was unimaginable without him. But here I am daring to hope for a brighter future, a place I didn't think I would ever come to. 

Amazing people share my life journey. With my family by my side I couldn't do anything else but move forward. My children, my children in law and my grandchildren are my life force and support. They are my gift from the universe. I believe that we choose our family before we venture into this world, and I have chosen well. My journey is blessed.

We don't get wiser as we get older, instead we are always as wise as we need to be at a particular stage in our lives. Thus this my cave of wisdom came to be. Our wisdom comes from the wizard within any time we choose to access it. By awakening the wizard we unleash and release the magic allowing our wisdom to shines.

Did I expect life to resemble my current state when my journey began? The answer to that is a definite no. Unlike some of my human brethren who seem to have direction, I wasn't aware of a life plan. My contract with the universe didn't seem to stipulate what I was going to do when I landed.  

Today I understand that I didn't need a plan, that my contract only had one relevant clause and that is to always strive to be my authentic self. Everything else will follow.

That does not stop me from wondering where life is taking me. I am still discovering who I am and why I am here. Wizdom Grotto is one way I expect to be enlightened. By connecting and sharing experiences with my fellow humans doors towards awakening will open.

Come into my cave and together we will unravel the meaning of life. I am looking for answers and you might just be the one to enlighten me.

Whatever you experience during your visit is yours. If you go away feeling like you don't need to return that is a lesson learned. You discovered that its alright to say no to whatever doesn't resonate with you. As long as you trust your instincts your intuition will always guide you to where you are meant to be. Listen to your own wisdom, the wizard within you is waiting to be heard.

I know that my family will read this because they love me. Others I hope will be more objective and gain something from what I have to say. If that does not happen perhaps they will share with me what they have to say.

I will do here whatever makes my heart sing and trust that those who join me will do the same.

Enter my cave of wisdom, stay a while.